Thursday, February 14, 2013

A Valentine K.I.S.S. (plus an extra "S") For You

Most of the Baby Boomers in the Grand Rapids, MI area are familiar with a popular televsion ad for Kay's Jewelers with the catchy musical tag line;  "every kiss begins with K..."

There is no limit to the amount of information and education available to you if you are assisting your aging parent who exhibits signs of dimentia brought on by Alzheimer's disease or senility as a normal part of aging. In fact, all the information can seem very overwhelming and you might find yourself lost as you search for ways to help your parents.  

Take a deep breath my fellow baby boomers and just remember this; every kiss starts with  "K" and ends with "S".

Here is a Valentine K.I.S.S. (S) for you!

Keep It Short, Simple and Stimulating

1 comment:

  1. Happy Valentine's Day from Family Matters In Home Care, Grand Rapids, MI
